
Bamboo improving air quality: Is bamboo healthy as well as sustainable?
Bamboo is everywhere at the moment - clothing, furniture, flooring, even toothbrushes. Its popularity makes sense: it’s fast-growing, renewable, and marketed as one of the most sustainable material...
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Do wellness and sustainability go hand in hand?
With the health of both our bodies and the planet becoming an increasingly high priority, wellness and sustainability have emerged as powerful factors in how we live our everyday lives. In this art...
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How to incorporate sustainability into your everyday life
With the current state of affairs and the weekly climate change stories gracing the news, many of us are trying to do our bit for the planet by being more sustainable. Here at Hedgy, we are passion...
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What's the difference between recyclable and recycled?
With the current state of the climate, an increasing number of people are trying to improve their habits and become more sustainable with what they eat, wear, drive, and do! One relatively simple w...
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How do bamboo socks help diabetics?
We’ve spoken in the past about the benefits of bamboo socks, but did you know that bamboo socks are actually helpful for people who suffer from diabetes? In this article, we will explore what bambo...
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Is bamboo a sustainable material?
Bamboo. A panda’s favourite snack? An eco-friendly alternative to cotton and wool? In this article, we will explore bamboo material, delve into the industry, and discuss whether bamboo is sustainab...
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Socks are the things you wear every day without a second thought. But have you ever wondered how socks are made? While the process may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer, the steps gen...
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The big sock fight: Bamboo vs Cotton Vs Wool vs Polyester
Socks. Some people love them. Some people only wear them when they have to. They come in a range of different materials, including cotton, wool, and polyester - but which one is better? We are goin...
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Bamboo socks: What are they and are they good for you?
You may think of bamboo as a support for your climbing plants or as a panda’s favourite snack, but have you ever thought about it as a sustainable clothing material? Bamboo can be used to make, yes...
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The Irresistible Charm of Highland Cows: Why Everyone Loves Them
Highland cows, with their mesmerising shaggy coats and calm presence, have a way of captivating the hearts of all who encounter them. Whether you find yourself gazing into their gentle, brown eyes ...
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